Our improvement is driven by your needs.


We are a proactive and customer-oriented team of professionals pursuing maximum benefits and effectiveness for our clients by providing maintenance services of commercial and public buildings.

Our story

We have been engaged in maintenance of commercial and public buildings since 2007. Our knowledge and many years of experience, as well as the use of state-of-the-art technologies allow us ensuring maximum satisfaction of our clients and retention or even an increase in the value of their real estate.

Civinity Solutions joined Civinity Group in 2016 as CS KOMERCSERVISS and now is a part of the international building management group, guaranteeing the best service and value for each client.


Commercial and public building maintenance companies became Civinity Solutions


Commercial and public building maintenance company Statinių priežiūra was acquired in Lithuania and merged with Civinity


Commercial and public building maintenance company CS KOMERCSERVISS in Latvia was acquired and merged with Civinity


Commercial and public building maintenance company CS KOMERCSERVISS
started it’s operation in Latvia


Commercial and public building maintenance company Statinių priežiūra started it’s operatiuons in Lithuania


Start of Civinity operations while acquiring the first multi-apartment administration and maintenance company in Klaipeda, Lithuania

We operate

We have been working since 2007, providing a wide range of commercial and public building services. 

Civinity Solutions is headquartered in Riga.

14 years in the market
340 employees
125 clients
1,5M m2 of maintained area

We provide services of design and implementation of all engineering solutions.

Civinity Engineering is headquartered in Vilnius.

16 years in the market
60 employees
150 clients
4M m2 of maintained area

We – Civinity group – are a continuously growing, one of the largest building maintenance and engineering solutions group in the Baltics, combining the full range of services provided to our clients under three main brands: Civinity Home, Civinity Solutions and Civinity Engineering.

Civinity group is is headquartered in Vilnius.

1500 employees
50M Eur revenue
10M m2 of maintained area
2000+ completed engineering projects

We are

Customer oriented

We know and understand our clients’ needs, so every day when providing services, we look at the situation from the perspective of our clients and try to make the best decisions for them.

One Team

We are a team of professionals combining various competencies, whose joint work allows us to ensure the highest quality of services provided to clients.

Always improving

Every day we strive to be better than yesterday. We are proactive and offer our clients the most advanced and efficient solutions.


We understand the responsibility of building maintenance and engineering solutions activities, so we take full responsibility for our actions, perform our commitments and keep our promises.

Our team

Meet our continuously learning result-oriented team. We are proactive, curious and strive to ensure that our clients receive top-quality services every day.


Our management team

Guntis Gailītis

Head of “Civinity Solutions”

Inese Volodina

Head of the legal department

Virgeda Jackaite

Chief Executive Officer
Civinity group

Giedrius Jakubauskas

Chief Financial Officer
Civinity group

Vytenis Morkūnas

Chief Operations and Innovation Officer
Civinity group

Valdas Piekus

Chief Legal Officer
Civinity group

Agnė Rakauskienė

Chief Procurement Officer
Civinity group

For media

To contact our public relations representatives, choose a team that matches the topic you are interested in.

If you have questions about Civinity group as a whole, please contact us using the group’s contacts. To receive information on Civinity activities in specific countries, select the contacts of the country that you are interested in.

Santa Vaļuma
Marketing and communications lead
Tel: +371 27277440
[email protected]


Venta Jackaite
Communication manager
Phone: +370 695 81 721
[email protected]

Venta Jackaite
Communication manager
Phone: +370 695 81 721
[email protected]